3 Tips For Planning A Weekend Trip In The Backcountry
If you’re ready to start traveling and having adventure but aren’t quite ready to start heading back to all the tourist destinations, planning an outdoor trip to the backcountry could be a great middle ground for you right now. However, if you haven’t spent a lot of time in the outdoors, or if you really only break out your outdoor gear and clothes for your annual hunting trip, you may need a little help with preparing for an adventure like this.
To give you the assistance you need, here are three tips for planning a weekend trip in the backcountry.
Plan It For This Weekend
According to the editors of Backpacker.com, if you find that you’re wanting to take a trip in the backcountry but you always find yourself putting off setting a date, the best thing you can do for yourself is to plan your trip for this weekend. By having a date set and a plan in place, you’ll have a much better chance of getting out there and actually experiencing how spending time in the backcountry works.
Even if you just take a short trip, the experience you get from being outside will help you plan your future backcountry adventures. So just get out there to see what you know, what you don’t know, and what you’ll be better about doing in the future.
Know The Regulations For Where You’re Going
As part of your planning and preparation, you’re going to want to ensure that you know the rules and regulations of the area in which you’re going.
According to Backcountry.com, some places out in the wild will require you to get a permit in order to legally be there and use the land. In other areas, you can’t have fires or you can’t camp too close to a certain water source. You’ll also want to see if there is any guidance about interacting with the wildlife, like if you need to store your food in bear-proof containers. So make sure you do this type of research beforehand so you can get everything in order.
Only Bring Usable Gear
When going into the backcountry, you’re going to be hauling all of your gear in yourself. Knowing this, you’re going to only want to carry in the gear that you’ll actually be using, as any extra weight can be very hard to handle.
To ensure that you’re only bringing what you need, REI.com recommends that you check the condition of all of your gear before you pack it up for your trip. This way, you’ll ensure that you’re only bringing usable gear and you’re not wasting any space or weight on stuff that won’t actually work for you when you’re in the backcountry.
If you’re wanting to spend a weekend hiking and exploring around the backcountry in your area, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you safely and wisely have this adventure.
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